SystoLOCK: A Real Passwordless MFA Platform for Windows
Our guest post at Devolutions, inc. about SystoLOCK, a true passwordless multi-factor authentication platform, providing enhanced security against credential theft. Join us on our insights on how SystoLOCK ensures robust security and protection against cyber threats.
Roman Kuznetsov @ 25.05.2023
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Where is passwordless MFA for Windows?
Passwordless is a noisy buzzword in the modern world of authentication, with various approaches finding their place mostly in web-based products (think passkeys). Unfortunately, Windows domain environments haven't had native support for true MFA, if you don't count Azure-based MFA and Windows Hello for Business, so most third-party vendors offer MFA support for Windows in conjunction with a password-based approach.

There are only very few solutions on the market that provide real passwordless MFA for Microsoft Active Directory on premises, and SystoLOCK is the only one that is fully autonomous, self-hosted, does not rely on any cloud services, and supports all common usage scenarios, from system logon, through impersonation and network share access, to RDP and VPN access.

Further reading:
  • How is SystoLOCK different from traditional MFA?
  • SystoLOCK for RDP: Sudden harmony
  • Offline computers and remote workers
  • What's wrong with traditional 2FA?
  • Universal approach and future outlook